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Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms

Aerospareparts is a web portal fully dedicated to aircraft spare parts procurement.

This is the list of Abbreviations and Acronyms commonly used in the web portal.
If you wish to up-date this list please submit your proposal.


ACMIAircraft, crew, maintenance & insurance
ADAirworthiness Directive
AISIAerospace Industry Support Initiative (ZA)
AMMAircraft Maintenance Manual
AMSAir Management Solutions
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
AOGAircraft On Ground (see priority)
APQPAdvance Product Quality Planning
APUAuxiliary Power Unit
ARAs Removed : item is unchanged since removal from the aircraft. This code applies to "timed/cycled" out items, which may or may not have a tag indicating the same. (see Condition)
ARCAuthorized Release Certificate
AROAt Receipt of Order
ASAerospace Standard
ASAAviation Suppliers Association
ASCIPAerospace Supply Chain Improvement Program
ASRAirbus Supplier Requirements
ATAAir Transport Association
AWBAir Way Bill
AWDAircraft Wiring Diagram

BERBeyond Economical Repair
BFEBuyer Furnished Equipments
BICBank Identifier Code
BIN#Bin Number (location of parts in a store)
BISBureau of Industry and Security (United States)
BNBatch Number
BOBack Order
BSCBordereau de Suivi des Cargaisons

CAACivilian Aviation Authorities
CADCanada-Dollars (see Currency)
CAFCurrencies Adjustment Factor
CBOCycles Between Overhaul
CBSCash Before Shipment
CFRCost and Freight (see Incoterm)
CHFSwitzerland-Francs (see Currency)
CIACash In Advance
CIFCost, Insurance and Freight (see Incoterm)
CIPCarriage and Insurance Paid to (see Incoterm)
CLPChile-Pesos (see Currency)
Cm2Square Centimeter
Cm3Cubic Centimeter
CMLConsumable Material List
CMMComponent Maintenance Manual
CMPDCustomized Maintenance Planning Document
CNDCash Next Delivery
COCCertificate of Conformity or Certificate of Conformance
CODCash On Delivery
ConditionState of a part: NE, FN, OH, NS, U/S, SV, RP, AR…
ConsumableConsumable/Expendable" means a part or material, which is routinely used and/or discarded during the course of removal, maintenance, repair, overhaul, and inspection services (i.e. nuts, bolts, rivets, sealants, etc)
CPTCarriage Paid To (see Incoterm)
Critical(see Priority)
CROCycles Remaining before Overhaul
CSIRCouncil for Scientific &Industrial Research (ZA)
CSNCycle Since New
CSOCycle Since Overhaul
CurrencyCurrencies are managed in SPM with a code of 3 letters
CWOCash With Order

DAFDelivered At Frontier (see Incoterm)
DDPDelivered Duty Paid (see Incoterm)
DDUDelivered Duty Unpaid (see Incoterm)
DEQDelivered Ex Quay (see Incoterm)
DESDelivered Ex Ship (see Incoterm)
DiscrepancyThe material did not pass the Receiving Visual Inspection Check-List (see Receiving Visual Inspection Check-List)
Distributor COCCOC supplied by the Distributor (need an agreement)
DPDDigital Product Definition
DTCDefense Trade Control

EARSExport Administration Regulations (United States)
EASAEuropean Aviation Safety Agency
EASA Form 1Authorized Release Certificate, Airworthiness Approval Tag EASA Form 1 (Download form:http://www.easa.eu.int/ws_prod/r/doc/NPA/NPA%202007-13.pdf)
EASOEuropean Aviation Suppliers Organization
ECEssentiality Category
ECBEuropean Central Bank
ECCNExport Control Classification Number
EDESEquipment Definition Evolution Sheet
EDMElectronic Document Management
ENEuropean Norm (European Standard)
EOExchange Order (Vendor side in SPM)
EOMEnd of Month
EOQEconomic Order Quantity
ETOPSExtended Range Twin Engines Operations
EUREuro (see currency)
EXCExchange (Customer side in the SPM)
Expeditesee Priority
ExpendableConsumable/Expendable means a part or material, which is routinely used and/or discarded during the course of removal, maintenance, repair, overhaul, testing and inspection services (i.e. nuts, bolts, rivets, sealants, etc).
EXWEx Works (see Incoterm)

FAAFederal Aviation Administration
FAIFirst Article Inspection
FAA 8130-3Authorized Release Certificate, Airworthiness Approval Tag FAA 8130-3 (Download form: http://forms.faa.gov/forms/faa8130-3.pdf)
FARFederal Aviation Regulations
FASFree Alongside Ship (see Incoterm)
FCAFree Carrier (see Incoterm)
FCOMFlight Crew Operating Manual
FHFlying Hour or Flight Hour
FOBFree On Board (see Incoterm)
FODForeign Object Debris
FpsFoot per second
Forwarding agentFreight Forwarding Agent, SPM third party
Freight FWDRFreight Forwarder
FSCMFederal Supplier Code Manufacturer
FSTFire Smoke Toxicity
Ft2Square Foot
Ft3Cubic Foot
FVICLFinal Visual Inspection Check-List

GalGallon U.S.
Gallon USBarrel, Liquid - U.S.
GAPSAGeneral Aviation Parts Suppliers Association
GBPUnited Kingdom-Pounds (see Currency)
GSEGround Support Equipment
GSTGoods and Services Tax or General Sales Tax

HKDHong Kong-Dollars (see Currency)
HpHorse Power
HSTHarmonized Sales Tax (see VAT)

IAQGInternational Aerospace Quality Group
IATAInternational Air Transport Association
IBANInternational Bank Account Number
ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization
ICHIATA Clearing House
ILCIrrevocable Letter of Credit
In2Square Inch
In3Cubic Inch
In HgInch of Mercury at 0° Celsius
IncotermsInternational commercial terms are a series of international sales terms widely used throughout the world. They are used to divide transaction costs and responsibilities between buyer and seller and reflect state-of-the-art transportation practices (visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incoterm for more information).
IPCIllustrated Parts Catalogue
IPLIllustrated Parts List
IpsInch per second
ITARInternational Traffic in Arms Regulations
ITEMIllustrated Tools and Equipment Manual
Item #Number of a line in SPM

JAAJoint Aviation Authorities
JARJoint Airworthiness Requirements
JPYJapan-Yen (see Currency)

Kg/M2Kilogram/Square Meter
Km2Square Kilometer
KNKilo Newton
KPIKey Performance Indicator
KwhKilowatt Hour
KYCKnow Your Customer

LbPound Mass
LbfPound Force
Lb/HrFlow Rate, Fuel
LCLetter of Credit
LCCLow Cost Carrier
LLPLife Limited Parts means a part, component or item which has reached its period of usability and must be replaced
LTDLead Time Demand
L/T or LTLead-Time

MBDModel Based Definition
Manufacturer COCCertificate Of Conformity delivered by the manufacturer (or the OEM)
Mark-upDetermine or determined by the sell price:
Sell price = (1+Mark-up/100) x Purchase price
Mi2Square mile
MLVMinimum Line Value
Mm HgMillimeter of Mercury at 0°Celcius
MMELMinimum Master Equipment List
Mtr2Square meter
Mtr3Cubic meter
MOQMinimum Order Quantity
MOUMemorandum Of Understanding
MOVMinimum Order Value
MPDMaintenance Planning Document
MphMile Per Hour
MRBMaterial Review Board
MROMaintenance Repair and Overhaul
MSNManufacturer Serial Number
MSQMinimum Sales Quantity
MTBFMean Time Between Failure
MTBURMean Time Between Unscheduled Removal
MTOPMaintenance Task Operating Plan

NAANational Aviation Authorities
NADCAPNational Aerospace and Defence Contractors Accreditation Program
N/M2Newton/Square Meter (Pascal)
NDANon Disclosure Agreement
NDINon-Destructive Inspection
NDTNon Destructive Testing
NDTMNon Destructive Testing Manual
NENew Equipment : item is unchanged since manufacture. Equipment purchased from a manufacturer or distributor and has traceability/certification (if applicable). The paperwork would be included in the package. (see Condition)
NHANext Higher Assembly
NPNon Procurable
NPINew Product Introduction
NSNew Surplus : item unchanged since manufacture but requires certification prior to installation. New surplus parts not bought directly from the manufacturer or distributor. (see Condition)
NTONo Technical Objection

OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
OHOverhaul : item is overhauled at an authorized and certified repair facility. It carries a maintenance release tag specifying the item overhauled and has "0" time or cycle since overhaul. (see Condition)
OSHEQ MSOccupational Safety, Health, Environment, Quality Management System

PBHPower By the Hour
PMAParts Manufacturer Approval
PNPart Number
POPurchase Order (Vendor side in SPM)
PPAPProduction Part Approval Process
PriorityDegree of emergency of a document (or process)
AOG – Critical – Expedite – Normal - Routine
PsiPound/Square Inch
PtPint (U.S.)

QAMQuality Assurance Manual
QAPQuality Assurance Plan
QA Hold (qty)Quality Assurance Hold: Parts in the store having an opened discrepancy
QMSQuality Management System
QPLQualified Products List

Receiving Visual Inspection Check-ListDocument completed at receipt of parts to check integrity of material (quantity, condition, certification documentation, …). In the event of a non conformity, a "Discrepancy Form" is completed.
RepairableAny rotable or component which is repairable and that can be returned to service with an airworthiness serviceable, repaired, or overhauled tag
REQsee Requisition
RequisitionCustomer purchase order in the SPM
RFIDRadio Frequency IDentification
RFPRequest for Proposal
RFQRequest For Quotation
RMAReturn Material Authorization
RORepair Order (Vendor side in SPM)
ROPRe Order Point
RotableSerialised component which can be repaired
RPRepaired (see Condition)
RRQRepair Requisition – Customer’s repair order
RVResidual Value

SAMSystem for Award Management
SBService Bulletin
SEPASingle Euro Payment Area
SFESupplier Furnished Equipments
SHEQSafety, Health, Environment and Quality
SILService Information Letter
SIRETFrench acronym which is a company identifier reference number (Système d’Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises et de leurs Etablissements)
SLBSales and Lease Back
SLIShipper’s Letter of Instruction
SNSerial Number
SOWScope of Work
SPStandby Position in store (parts awaiting bin allocation)
SPCSpare Parts Classification
SPCStatistical Process Control
SPMSpare Parts Manager
SPOCSingle Point of Contact
SPQStandard Package Quantity
SRServiceable Repaired (see Condition)
SRMStructural Repair Manual
STCSupplemental Type Certificate
StoreIn SPM, this entity enable to stock spare parts. One or more store can be located in the same warehouse.
SVServiceable : item deemed serviceable by an authorized and certified repair facility. It carries a maintenance release tag specifying the same. (see Condition). Airworthy spare accompanied by a green FAA 8130-3 and/or an EASA Form 1 and/or a TCCA24-0078 serviceable tag.

TATTurn Around Time (Time required to repair or overhaul a component)
"TAT" is expressed in working days, starts the day Unserviceable Component is received DDP at the Delivery Point and ends the day Serviceable Component is put at the disposal of the Customer, Ex-Works at the Delivery Point. TAT measures the average time required to perform the necessary in-house rework on a normal worn out unit having an up to date standard of modifications.
TBATo Be Advised
TBCTo Be Confirmed
TBOTime Between Overhauls
TCCATransport Canada Civil Aviation
TCCA 24-0078Authorized Release Certificate TCCA 24-0078 (Download form: ttp://www.tc.gc.ca/CivilAviation/maintenance/RegsDocs/24-0078.doc)
TraysFolder (in which documents are filed)
TOWTransfer of Work
TROTime Remaining before Overhaul
TSITime Since Installation
TSNTime Since New
TSOTime Since Overhaul
TSOA Technical Standard Order Authorization
A Technical Standard Order Authorization – TSOA from the Federal Aviation Administration authorizes a manufacturer to produce a material, part, or appliance to a TSO standard. Receiving a TSOA approves both design and production of the TSO part.
A TSOA does not authorize the installation of a TSO part in a certificated aircraft. The standard procedures for the installation or modification of an aircraft must be followed such as a STC, field approval, etc.
TVASee VAT (Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée)

UCUsage Category
UN NumberUnited Nations Number
UOMUnit of Measure
USDUnited States-Dollars (see Currency)
U/S or USUnserviceable

VATValue Added Tax

WWatt, Joule/Second
WarehouseBuilding where the stores are located (see Store)
WATOGWorld Airlines Technical Operations Glossary
WBMWeight and Balance Manual
WOWork Order
This document enable to build-up a kit in the SPM


Yd2Square Yard
Yd3Cubic Yard

ZARSouth Africa-Rand (see Currency)
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