Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms
Aerospareparts is a web portal fully dedicated to aircraft spare parts procurement.
This is the list of Abbreviations and Acronyms commonly used in the web portal.
If you wish to up-date this list please submit your proposal.
A | |
ACMI | Aircraft, crew, maintenance & insurance |
AD | Airworthiness Directive |
AISI | Aerospace Industry Support Initiative (ZA) |
AMM | Aircraft Maintenance Manual |
AMS | Air Management Solutions |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AOG | Aircraft On Ground (see priority) |
APQP | Advance Product Quality Planning |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit |
AR | As Removed : item is unchanged since removal from the aircraft. This code applies to "timed/cycled" out items, which may or may not have a tag indicating the same. (see Condition) |
ARC | Authorized Release Certificate |
ARO | At Receipt of Order |
AS | Aerospace Standard |
ASA | Aviation Suppliers Association |
ASCIP | Aerospace Supply Chain Improvement Program |
ASR | Airbus Supplier Requirements |
ATA | Air Transport Association |
AUD | Australia-Dollars |
AWB | Air Way Bill |
AWD | Aircraft Wiring Diagram |
B | |
BER | Beyond Economical Repair |
BFE | Buyer Furnished Equipments |
BIC | Bank Identifier Code |
BIN# | Bin Number (location of parts in a store) |
BIS | Bureau of Industry and Security (United States) |
BN | Batch Number |
BO | Back Order |
BSC | Bordereau de Suivi des Cargaisons |
C | |
CAA | Civilian Aviation Authorities |
CAD | Canada-Dollars (see Currency) |
CAF | Currencies Adjustment Factor |
CBO | Cycles Between Overhaul |
CBS | Cash Before Shipment |
CD | Condition |
CFR | Cost and Freight (see Incoterm) |
CHF | Switzerland-Francs (see Currency) |
CIA | Cash In Advance |
CIF | Cost, Insurance and Freight (see Incoterm) |
CIP | Carriage and Insurance Paid to (see Incoterm) |
CLP | Chile-Pesos (see Currency) |
Cm | Centimeter |
Cm2 | Square Centimeter |
Cm3 | Cubic Centimeter |
Cm/Sec | Centimeter/Second |
CML | Consumable Material List |
CMM | Component Maintenance Manual |
CMPD | Customized Maintenance Planning Document |
CND | Cash Next Delivery |
COC | Certificate of Conformity or Certificate of Conformance |
COD | Cash On Delivery |
Condition | State of a part: NE, FN, OH, NS, U/S, SV, RP, AR… |
Consumable | Consumable/Expendable" means a part or material, which is routinely used and/or discarded during the course of removal, maintenance, repair, overhaul, and inspection services (i.e. nuts, bolts, rivets, sealants, etc) |
CPT | Carriage Paid To (see Incoterm) |
Critical | (see Priority) |
CRO | Cycles Remaining before Overhaul |
CSIR | Council for Scientific &Industrial Research (ZA) |
CSN | Cycle Since New |
CSO | Cycle Since Overhaul |
Currency | Currencies are managed in SPM with a code of 3 letters |
CWO | Cash With Order |
D | |
DAF | Delivered At Frontier (see Incoterm) |
Deg | Degree |
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid (see Incoterm) |
DDU | Delivered Duty Unpaid (see Incoterm) |
DEQ | Delivered Ex Quay (see Incoterm) |
DES | Delivered Ex Ship (see Incoterm) |
Discrepancy | The material did not pass the Receiving Visual Inspection Check-List (see Receiving Visual Inspection Check-List) |
Distributor COC | COC supplied by the Distributor (need an agreement) |
DPD | Digital Product Definition |
DTC | Defense Trade Control |
E | |
EARS | Export Administration Regulations (United States) |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency |
EASA Form 1 | Authorized Release Certificate, Airworthiness Approval Tag EASA Form 1 (Download form: |
EASO | European Aviation Suppliers Organization |
EC | Essentiality Category |
ECB | European Central Bank |
ECCN | Export Control Classification Number |
EDES | Equipment Definition Evolution Sheet |
EDM | Electronic Document Management |
EN | European Norm (European Standard) |
EO | Exchange Order (Vendor side in SPM) |
EOM | End of Month |
EOQ | Economic Order Quantity |
ETOPS | Extended Range Twin Engines Operations |
EUR | Euro (see currency) |
EXC | Exchange (Customer side in the SPM) |
Expedite | see Priority |
Expendable | Consumable/Expendable means a part or material, which is routinely used and/or discarded during the course of removal, maintenance, repair, overhaul, testing and inspection services (i.e. nuts, bolts, rivets, sealants, etc). |
EXW | Ex Works (see Incoterm) |
F | |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAI | First Article Inspection |
FAA 8130-3 | Authorized Release Certificate, Airworthiness Approval Tag FAA 8130-3 (Download form: |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulations |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship (see Incoterm) |
FCA | Free Carrier (see Incoterm) |
FCOM | Flight Crew Operating Manual |
FH | Flying Hour or Flight Hour |
FOB | Free On Board (see Incoterm) |
FOD | Foreign Object Debris |
Fps | Foot per second |
Forwarding agent | Freight Forwarding Agent, SPM third party |
Freight FWDR | Freight Forwarder |
FSCM | Federal Supplier Code Manufacturer |
FST | Fire Smoke Toxicity |
Ft | Foot |
Ft2 | Square Foot |
Ft3 | Cubic Foot |
Ft-Lb/Sec | Foot-Pound/Second |
Ft/Lb | Foot/Pound |
FVICL | Final Visual Inspection Check-List |
G | |
Gal | Gallon U.S. |
Gallon US | Barrel, Liquid - U.S. |
GAPSA | General Aviation Parts Suppliers Association |
GBP | United Kingdom-Pounds (see Currency) |
Gr | Gram |
GSE | Ground Support Equipment |
GST | Goods and Services Tax or General Sales Tax |
H | |
HKD | Hong Kong-Dollars (see Currency) |
Hp | Horse Power |
Hp-Hr | Horsepower-Hour |
Hr | Hour |
HST | Harmonized Sales Tax (see VAT) |
I | |
IAQG | International Aerospace Quality Group |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IBAN | International Bank Account Number |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICH | IATA Clearing House |
ILC | Irrevocable Letter of Credit |
In | Inch |
In2 | Square Inch |
In3 | Cubic Inch |
In Hg | Inch of Mercury at 0° Celsius |
Incoterms | International commercial terms are a series of international sales terms widely used throughout the world. They are used to divide transaction costs and responsibilities between buyer and seller and reflect state-of-the-art transportation practices (visit for more information). |
IPC | Illustrated Parts Catalogue |
IPL | Illustrated Parts List |
Ips | Inch per second |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
ITEM | Illustrated Tools and Equipment Manual |
Item # | Number of a line in SPM |
J | |
J | Joule |
JAA | Joint Aviation Authorities |
JAR | Joint Airworthiness Requirements |
JPY | Japan-Yen (see Currency) |
K | |
Kg | Kilogram |
Kg/M2 | Kilogram/Square Meter |
Kgm | Kilogram-Meter |
Kgm/Sec | Kilogram-Meter/Second |
Km | Kilometer |
Km2 | Square Kilometer |
Km/Hr | Kilometer/Hour |
KN | Kilo Newton |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
Kt | Knot |
Kwh | Kilowatt Hour |
KYC | Know Your Customer |
L | |
Lb | Pound Mass |
Lbf | Pound Force |
Lb/Hr | Flow Rate, Fuel |
LC | Letter of Credit |
LCC | Low Cost Carrier |
LLP | Life Limited Parts means a part, component or item which has reached its period of usability and must be replaced |
LTD | Lead Time Demand |
Ltr | Liter |
L/T or LT | Lead-Time |
M | |
MBD | Model Based Definition |
Manufacturer COC | Certificate Of Conformity delivered by the manufacturer (or the OEM) |
Mark-up | Determine or determined by the sell price: Sell price = (1+Mark-up/100) x Purchase price |
Mgr | Milligram |
Mi | Mile |
Mi2 | Square mile |
Min | Minute |
Ml | Milliliter |
MLV | Minimum Line Value |
Mm | Millimeter |
Mm Hg | Millimeter of Mercury at 0°Celcius |
MMEL | Minimum Master Equipment List |
Mtr | Meter |
Mtr2 | Square meter |
Mtr3 | Cubic meter |
Mtr/Sec | Meter/Second |
MOQ | Minimum Order Quantity |
MOU | Memorandum Of Understanding |
MOV | Minimum Order Value |
MPD | Maintenance Planning Document |
Mph | Mile Per Hour |
MRB | Material Review Board |
MRO | Maintenance Repair and Overhaul |
MSN | Manufacturer Serial Number |
MSQ | Minimum Sales Quantity |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failure |
MTBUR | Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removal |
MTOP | Maintenance Task Operating Plan |
N | |
N | Newton |
NAA | National Aviation Authorities |
NADCAP | National Aerospace and Defence Contractors Accreditation Program |
N/M2 | Newton/Square Meter (Pascal) |
NDA | Non Disclosure Agreement |
NDI | Non-Destructive Inspection |
NDT | Non Destructive Testing |
NDTM | Non Destructive Testing Manual |
NE | New Equipment : item is unchanged since manufacture. Equipment purchased from a manufacturer or distributor and has traceability/certification (if applicable). The paperwork would be included in the package. (see Condition) |
NHA | Next Higher Assembly |
NP | Non Procurable |
NPI | New Product Introduction |
NS | New Surplus : item unchanged since manufacture but requires certification prior to installation. New surplus parts not bought directly from the manufacturer or distributor. (see Condition) |
NTO | No Technical Objection |
O | |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OH | Overhaul : item is overhauled at an authorized and certified repair facility. It carries a maintenance release tag specifying the item overhauled and has "0" time or cycle since overhaul. (see Condition) |
OSHEQ MS | Occupational Safety, Health, Environment, Quality Management System |
Oz | Ounce |
P | |
PBH | Power By the Hour |
PMA | Parts Manufacturer Approval |
PN | Part Number |
PO | Purchase Order (Vendor side in SPM) |
PPAP | Production Part Approval Process |
Priority | Degree of emergency of a document (or process) AOG – Critical – Expedite – Normal - Routine |
Psi | Pound/Square Inch |
Pt | Pint (U.S.) |
Q | |
QAM | Quality Assurance Manual |
QAP | Quality Assurance Plan |
QA Hold (qty) | Quality Assurance Hold: Parts in the store having an opened discrepancy |
QMS | Quality Management System |
QPL | Qualified Products List |
Qty | Quantity |
R | |
Receiving Visual Inspection Check-List | Document completed at receipt of parts to check integrity of material (quantity, condition, certification documentation, …). In the event of a non conformity, a "Discrepancy Form" is completed. |
Repairable | Any rotable or component which is repairable and that can be returned to service with an airworthiness serviceable, repaired, or overhauled tag |
REQ | see Requisition |
Requisition | Customer purchase order in the SPM |
RFID | Radio Frequency IDentification |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RFQ | Request For Quotation |
RMA | Return Material Authorization |
RO | Repair Order (Vendor side in SPM) |
ROP | Re Order Point |
Rotable | Serialised component which can be repaired |
RP | Repaired (see Condition) |
RRQ | Repair Requisition – Customer’s repair order |
RV | Residual Value |
S | |
SAM | System for Award Management |
SB | Service Bulletin |
SEPA | Single Euro Payment Area |
SFE | Supplier Furnished Equipments |
SHEQ | Safety, Health, Environment and Quality |
SIL | Service Information Letter |
SIRET | French acronym which is a company identifier reference number (Système d’Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises et de leurs Etablissements) |
SLB | Sales and Lease Back |
SLI | Shipper’s Letter of Instruction |
SN | Serial Number |
SOW | Scope of Work |
SP | Standby Position in store (parts awaiting bin allocation) |
SPC | Spare Parts Classification |
SPC | Statistical Process Control |
SPM | Spare Parts Manager |
SPOC | Single Point of Contact |
SPQ | Standard Package Quantity |
SR | Serviceable Repaired (see Condition) |
SRM | Structural Repair Manual |
STC | Supplemental Type Certificate |
Store | In SPM, this entity enable to stock spare parts. One or more store can be located in the same warehouse. |
SV | Serviceable : item deemed serviceable by an authorized and certified repair facility. It carries a maintenance release tag specifying the same. (see Condition). Airworthy spare accompanied by a green FAA 8130-3 and/or an EASA Form 1 and/or a TCCA24-0078 serviceable tag. |
T | |
TAT | Turn Around Time (Time required to repair or overhaul a component) "TAT" is expressed in working days, starts the day Unserviceable Component is received DDP at the Delivery Point and ends the day Serviceable Component is put at the disposal of the Customer, Ex-Works at the Delivery Point. TAT measures the average time required to perform the necessary in-house rework on a normal worn out unit having an up to date standard of modifications. |
TBA | To Be Advised |
TBC | To Be Confirmed |
TBO | Time Between Overhauls |
TCCA | Transport Canada Civil Aviation |
TCCA 24-0078 | Authorized Release Certificate TCCA 24-0078 (Download form: ttp:// |
Trays | Folder (in which documents are filed) |
TOW | Transfer of Work |
TRO | Time Remaining before Overhaul |
TSI | Time Since Installation |
TSN | Time Since New |
TSO | Time Since Overhaul |
Technical Standard Order Authorization A Technical Standard Order Authorization – TSOA from the Federal Aviation Administration authorizes a manufacturer to produce a material, part, or appliance to a TSO standard. Receiving a TSOA approves both design and production of the TSO part. A TSOA does not authorize the installation of a TSO part in a certificated aircraft. The standard procedures for the installation or modification of an aircraft must be followed such as a STC, field approval, etc. |
TVA | See VAT (Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée) |
U | |
UC | Usage Category |
UN Number | United Nations Number |
UOM | Unit of Measure |
USD | United States-Dollars (see Currency) |
U/S or US | Unserviceable |
V | |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
W | |
W | Watt, Joule/Second |
Warehouse | Building where the stores are located (see Store) |
WATOG | World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary |
WBM | Weight and Balance Manual |
WO | Work Order This document enable to build-up a kit in the SPM |
X | |
Y | |
Yd | Yard |
Yd2 | Square Yard |
Yd3 | Cubic Yard |
Z | |
ZAR | South Africa-Rand (see Currency) |